Benefits of Social Media Marketing

Now we know that social media is a critical factor in the marketing of a new era, let's look at the benefits of this medium.

* Commitment to customer "Unlike traditional media marketing, social media provides a high level of user involvement and commitment.
* Positive public relations firm - an interactive social media platform to provide greater credibility, because they are open, and having other people's opinions. Here is a good word goes a long way to build the reputation of your company
* Higher search engine rankings / presence - media has the power to reveal the site / brand for large groups of people through active association. That means greater visibility and a number of search terms.
* The higher traffic to your site - social communities can be utilized as a major source of network traffic through the planting of intelligent content.
* Aid to developing countries, the brand - to give impetus to exercise in brand building online, providing good visibility and the ability to achieve this objective.
* Restores a medium high-cost use of social media is more cost effective than any traditional marketing methods. In addition, the benefits far outweigh the cost of inventory creation and implementation of social media campaign.
* Complements other marketing - social media marketing can work in cooperation with other activities online and offline advertising. In fact, really complement your marketing program, which provides a new channel.

We specialize in providing social media marketing can make a measurable difference to your business - a commitment to the objective, more online visibility and positive public relations. Do contact us to know the effects of social media marketing can add value to your company.

For more information about a fully integrated marketing communications services please call Ravinder Sharma at 9212807772 or email:

Why is social media important to marketers?

Understand how important it is to social media marketing vehicle, we must first understand how influential user-generated content is today.

Recent studies show that social media is becoming an increasingly important part of the world's media consumption, Internet users, that some traditional media channels. In addition, Generation Y consumers in the future for most companies, eat, drink and sleep in the media. Potential customer base, companies need to penetrate into the channels that thrive today.

So here's the verdict - social media is here to stay and grow. Why do not you take advantage of? Ultimately, we all know that:

* Dollar and always follow the eyeballs - act now or lose
* Pull Advertising works better than push it makes no sense to blow his own trumpet. Let others speak for you.
* Customer involvement is the way to customer loyalty - Building relationship today and win a future customer

What is social media?

According to the definition of social media means the online tools such as blogs, discussion boards, micro-blogs, bookmarks, networks, communities, wikis and podcasts, which people use to share content, opinions and experiences in the form of text, images, audio and video.

Some of the important social media sites in Word press and Blogger (blogs), Twitter (micro blogging), YouTube (video sharing), Flickr (photo sharing), Orkut, and Facebook (social networking), Digg and (s) and Wikipedia (reference).


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  7. Debt Link
  8. Shopping Link
  9. Resources
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Search Engine Optimization and Placement

There are different ways to advertise your site on the web. Banners were popular in the late 90s, but now they are just a good way to pull the money, because no one click, but they are free to print. email campaigns, is also in vogue for some time, but the spam laws are so broad that they could break without even knowing it. Internet search engine marketing is an investment scheme which is, and always works.

It is true that the Internet search engine placement is a vague term. For some people, it refers to the purchase of a bond investment pay per click search engines such as Google Adwords, Overture, or a new payment platform MSN. For others, the search engine rank is about optimizing your site to first place in the natural listings on Google, Yahoo and MSN. Self-placement Internet search engine covers the platforms.

Pay per click search engine rank is a popular way to get immediate traffic to your site. Advantage of this approach is, therefore, immediately to get traffic. Less clear, however, is that you can test your content on the site to see if it develops. If you find a conversion rate of visitors to sales is low, you can edit the site and try again until you find a good starting point. Adverse pay per click search engine is two times. You have to pay for traffic, which means that you need to track ROI. Secondly, we run the risk of users click on their links to purchase your purpose, a concept known as click fraud. Maybe 20-30 percent of all clicks are in this category.

Search Engine Optimization is very popular because of high rankings in organic listings of search engines produce enormous amounts of free traffic. For example, one personal finance sites receive more than one million visitors per month tax period, obvious advantages. Adverse optimization may take up to three months to see the rankings for the first time, MSN, and six months in this same Google. It is clear that the process requires much patience and hard work, but ultimately, it is worth the effort.

positioning the Internet search engines is to make these two approaches, do not choose one over the other. Because it takes time to see the results of the optimization, all campaigns must begin to pay trouble, then. As the ratings began to show ads on PPC accounts are simply removed. This way you can cover the industry from the beginning, but gradually their paid marketing. This is the time to show the approach works every time.